🆚What is the difference between "yuujin" and "tomodachi" and "shinyuu" ? "yuujin" vs "tomodachi" vs "shinyuu" ? (2025)


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9 Oct 2019

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

Quality Point(s): 49

Answer: 7

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  • Japanese

Question about Japanese


🆚What is the difference between "yuujin" and "tomodachi" and "shinyuu" ? "yuujin" vs "tomodachi" vs "shinyuu" ? (2)

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9 Oct 2019

  • Japanese

Quality Point(s): 7272

Answer: 1750

Like: 1301

All of them are the same meaning.
yuujin(友人;ゆうじん) is a little formal.
tomodachi(友達;ともだち) is natural and is mainly used in spoken language.
shinyuu(親友;しんゆう) is formal and is used especially by close friends.

彼は僕の友人です。 he is my friend.
kare wa boku no yuujin desu.

ひかるちゃんは私の友達だよ。 hikaru is my friend.
hikaru-chan wa watashi no tomodachi dayo.

君は僕の親友だ。 you are my best friend.
kimi wa boku no shinyuu da.

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🆚What is the difference between "yuujin" and "tomodachi" and "shinyuu" ? "yuujin" vs "tomodachi" vs "shinyuu" ? (4)

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9 Oct 2019

  • Japanese

Quality Point(s): 7272

Answer: 1750

Like: 1301

All of them are the same meaning.
yuujin(友人;ゆうじん) is a little formal.
tomodachi(友達;ともだち) is natural and is mainly used in spoken language.
shinyuu(親友;しんゆう) is formal and is used especially by close friends.

彼は僕の友人です。 he is my friend.
kare wa boku no yuujin desu.

ひかるちゃんは私の友達だよ。 hikaru is my friend.
hikaru-chan wa watashi no tomodachi dayo.

君は僕の親友だ。 you are my best friend.
kimi wa boku no shinyuu da.

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🆚What is the difference between "yuujin" and "tomodachi" and "shinyuu" ? "yuujin" vs "tomodachi" vs "shinyuu" ? (11)

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9 Oct 2019

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

Quality Point(s): 49

Answer: 7

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@kenchan_0101 arigatou!


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🆚What is the difference between "yuujin" and "tomodachi" and "shinyuu" ? "yuujin" vs "tomodachi" vs "shinyuu" ? (19)

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🆚What is the difference between "yuujin" and "tomodachi" and "shinyuu" ? "yuujin" vs "tomodachi" vs "shinyuu" ? (2025)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.