Pan-Fried Halibut With Spiced Chickpea and Herb Salad Recipe (2025)



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You can substitute ground sumac for the dried lime...very similar flavor and much easier to find.That said, ground dried Persian lime is one of those ingredients which, after you have begun using it, you'll find yourself using it more frequently. If used sparingly, it has can enhance and elevate the other flavors of a dish without overwhelming.In my pantry it is in a category with Pomegranate Molasses, anchovy and sherry vinegar: subtle but powerful flavor builders.


Our local fish store did not have halibut so I used cod. It was delicious. I also served it with basmati rice.


Amazon and other online stores carry both ground Persian limes and whole ones (they're like marbles in size) you can crush into powder yourself.

Alan C Brownmd

Hate to complain but the problem with his recipes is that they are complicated and there are always one or two mystery ingredients like “dried limes” in this one. At least give us a suggestion of where to get the ingredients.


Halibut - perfectly crisp on outside, moist & flakey within. Accommodating tastes & ingredients meant adjustments: large shallot for garlic; no chiles; parsley to 1/4 cup; cilantro to 2 sprigs.On a rainy fall night, salad was too cool. Sautéed spring onions, most of the parsley and roughly chopped spinach briefly with residual marinade and lemon juice before gently tossing with sautéed chick peas as a warm base for the fish. Added remaining parsley and cilantro as garnish.


You can find them at Middle Eastern stores or order online from Amazon, <>, and other places. They are called limu omani or Lemon Omani.


Made this tonight and worked out really well. It’s a forgiving recipie, so you can put in a little more of this, a little less of that and no big deal. I used a jalapeno pepper, couldn’t find the lime (good to know about the sumac) and cooked the fish longer as we had thick filets, but it was all good. I’m sure if Halibut hadn’t been available this would have worked out well with most ocean whitefish with a big flake.


This was fabulous. Don’t skip yogurt at the end.

Miriam Freier

Yummy! The fish / chickpeas need more of the marinade than the recipe calls for. The yogurt dressing is crucial & added marinade to it needs to be cut back (was too oily). Halibut so easy to cook (don’t forget salt/pepper). I also squeezed lemon on it before serving. Sumac was excellent replacement. I used olive oil b/c of dietary restriction - would’ve crisped up more with veggie oil. Lovely dinner!


Delicious. Replaced the fresh chiles with Hatch diced green chiles.

Ted C.

I hate to complain too.... but 17 ingredients for a “week night” recipe sounds a bit much to take on, at the store and at home, when I get off of work. I know some of the ingredients are normal stuff like oil and salt, but some aren’t.


Has anyone tried this recipe by Ottolenghi:Spiced Halibut With Spinach and Chickpea Stew? It is also on this site and has almost exactly the same ingredients except you cook the spinach and a few additional ingredients.

Delicious! Give It A Try!

I did not have any coriander, so I made this without it. Otherwise, I followed the recipe and it was delicious! The lemon placed on the top melted a bit during cooking and made the flavor over the top. The capers and garlic also add a nice flavor to the cod. Served this with Mediterranean lemon rice and broccoli. The fish was the star of the meal.


I made this tonight for the first time. We loved it. I used Chilean Sea Bass and it was exquisite. I didn’t have the lime, so I used one packet of Real Lemon crystals with a pinch of sumac and extra garlic. Used a small amount of jalapeño because my local neighborhood store had it. It worked fine. Instead of letting the chickpeas cool, I stirred them in while hot into the salad in order to wilt it a little. I think I preferred this slightly wilted salad to it being totally room temp. Yum.


instead of spinach, i microwaved and chopped broccolini as a substitute. much more subtantial. also added white vinegar and bit of agave into yogurt (like halal guys’ white sauce) before stirring in the marinade. so so good!


Made this last night. Excellent! Subbed sumac for lime per other review. Minced garlic for better distribution among fish, chickpeas, and yogurt. Halved the recipe for the two of us, but next time will make the full recipe of marinade. next time, will toss the yogurt with the salad before plating. Added a little evoo to the salad. Next time will rough chop the parsley.


This was absolutely delicious. The spiced yogurt on the salad really brought it up a level. I subbed tarragon for the cilantro because my husband is one of those "tastes like soap" people and it worked out well. The halibut was perfection.


Substituted sumac like everyone said, played with the salad used herbs in my aerogarden basil, mint, parsley. Put the garlic thru a press didn’t leave whole/crushed. Served with rice. Added a little more salt and pepper to the sauce. Was delicious!


Made exactly as written and it was perfect. So delicious! The combo of halibut, chickpeas, herbs, and salad were well balanced and I can’t wait for leftovers for lunch tomorrow.


Tremendously delicious!! Although somewhat simpler than some Ottolenghi recipes I've come across, this was absolutely fantastic. The marinated garbanazos, once cooked, were, like, the best I've ever had. I didn't have quite the right herbs/proportions for the salad, but still it shone. And the halibut was terrific. I might make more of the salad next time.


Delicious. I roasted the chickpeas instead of frying them. 425 for about 20 minutes. Delicious!


Yummy, as is!

Sharon De Cook

My husband who hates fish, my fish, and cod in particular, liked this recipe, which I cooked with for myself, but shared with him. I would add more salt and some heat to the marinade next time, but it was delicious. Clever use of original marinade, 3 ways.Quibble is that the sumac changed the color of the sauce, so I might search for something less orange next time. A winner in our house for two people with opposite views of fish.


we subbed collards, fennel fronds, and chilli powder for the spinach, coriander greens, and green chillies. Because we had them in the fridge and they were was delicious and will definitely do this in halibut season or with out the fish!

Karen (Denver CO)

Absolutely delicious! I substituted a small kaffir lime leaf for the lime powder & added fresh micro greens in season to the herb salad.

Mark W

Really enjoyed the flavor of the marinated chickpeas. I used plain Greek yogurt and added lemon zest, a small amount of lemon juice, salt & pepper. The halibut was flaky and perfectly cooked at the five minutes (3 mins, then 2). Will definitely make again soon.

Andrea L

This was amazingly delicious.

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Pan-Fried Halibut With Spiced Chickpea and Herb Salad Recipe (2025)


Should you soak halibut before cooking? ›

Some recipes for sous vide halibut recommend soaking the fish in a saltwater brine before cooking, in order to season it more deeply and to give it a denser, firmer texture.

How do you cook halibut without drying it out? ›

When searing halibut in cast iron, use plenty of oil or butter (or both, like in the recipe above) to prevent your fish from drying out. Trying halibut recipes that call for moist heat, like poaching or braising, are also a great way to go.

At what temperature do you cook halibut? ›

The recommended cooking temperature for halibut by the USDA is 375°F (190°C) for approximately 10-15 minutes per inch of thickness. Internal temperature should reach 145°F (63°C) for safe consumption, ensuring the fish is cooked thoroughly while remaining tender and moist.

What happens if you don't rinse fish before cooking? ›

Remove the scales from fish if a recipe calls for it, but leave your fish unrinsed to prevent your kitchen from becoming a breeding ground for germs.

Why do you soak halibut in milk? ›

We've found an easy way to eliminate the smell: Soak the fish or the shellfish meat in milk for 20 minutes and then drain and pat dry. The casein in milk binds to the TMA, and when drained away, it takes the culprit that causes fishy odor with it. The result is seafood that's sweet smelling and clean-flavored.

How do you know if halibut is done? ›

The best way to tell if your fish is done is by testing it with a fork at an angle, at the thickest point, and twist gently. The fish will flake easily when it's done and it will lose its translucent or raw appearance. A good rule of thumb is to cook the fish to an internal temperature of 140-145 degrees.

What is the best oil to deep fry halibut? ›

Thanks to its neutral flavor, affordable price, and high smoke point, canola oil is the most popular oil for frying fish. Peanut, cottonseed, and coconut oil are also great fish frying oils. Keep reading to discover the benefits of each oil you can use to fry fish.

Why is my halibut rubbery? ›

The proteins in the fish also begin to tighten, which can make the fish tough and rubbery. In addition, overcooked fish can have a severe lack of flavor, as the heat causes the natural oils in the fish to evaporate.

Can you overcook halibut? ›

Halibut is so easy to overcook that we recommend monitoring the fillet with a Thermapen while it cooks.

What percentage of meat do you get from a halibut? ›

Since most sport caught halibut will not be consumed fresh because of size and/or the distance to your home, a guide to freezing halibut is included here. First, with a decent filleting job you can expect about a 50 percent recovery of meat from your fish. That is, a 30 lb. halibut should give you about 15 lbs.

Should halibut be at room temperature before cooking? ›

Tip: If your halibut was in the fridge, let your fish comes to room temperature for about 15 minutes before cooking. Place the halibut fillets in a large cast-iron skillet and turn the heat to medium heat. Sear the halibut for 3-4 minutes. Using a turner, flip your halibut fillets over to cook the other side.

Is halibut good for you? ›

In terms of nutrition, halibut offers a bounty of micronutrients—notably selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and niacin—and plenty of high-quality protein. It also contains just a hint of fat at 1 gram per serving, making it an ideal fish for those who need a low-fat diet.

Should fish be soaked before cooking? ›

Lisa Featherby, Gourmet Traveller food editor, writes: Soaking fish in brine or water before cooking to remove any muddy taste is not necessary.

How long do you soak halibut in milk? ›

In a 3-quart bowl, soak fish in milk for 15-20 minutes. The casein protein in milk binds to the trimethylamine in the fish flesh, reducing the “fishy” odor.

Are you supposed to soak fish in water? ›

Don't let your fish soak in water for long, even if it's ice-cold water. This will soften the flesh and eventually you'll have a mushy fillet.

Should fish be soaked in salt water before cooking? ›

Brining fish with salt before cooking is a helpful, but not crucial, step. The brine mixture adds flavor and firmness to the fish as it extracts excess moisture from the flesh which can make it stick to the pan during cooking. Lean white fish like cod and rockfish benefit greatly from a quick, dry brine.

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