b.s. business administration - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

D level would be required with

[...] preference in economics, business administration, finance, public [...]

administration or any other relevant field.


需要专业研究生或者最好是博士级的高等大学学位,具有经济学 商业 理、 财政 、公共 行政或其他相关学科学位者优先。


He holds a Bachelor of Economics with honours from Harvard University

[...] and a Master of Business Administration from Kellogg HKUST.


他持有哈佛大學 經濟學榮譽學士學位及 Kellogg HKUST 工商管理碩士學位


In this way, the technically oriented employee, whether a designer, fitter or maintenance person


can find the right training course, in the same way as

[...] the employee in business administration, for example [...]

in purchasing.


如此一来,使用此项技术的员工,无论使设计者、装配或维修 人员都能找到合适的培训课程,就像在 企业 管理 中的 员工 一样, 例如采购。


After studying business administration at Wilhelms University [...]

in Munster, Germany, the graduate economist worked as international


project manager for Gemini Consulting from 1990.


他曾在德国明斯特的威廉大学攻读企 管理,毕 业后 从1990年开始在双子星顾问公司担任国际项目经理一职。


In October 2009, Berlanty Azzam, a 22-year-old student who had been living and studying in Bethlehem University


since 2005, was removed to Gaza, just two months before she was scheduled to

[...] complete her BA in Business Administration.


2009 年 10 月,自 2005 年以来一直在伯利恒大学生活和学习的 22 岁学生

[...] Berlanty Azzam 被赶回加沙,而她只差两个月就会 管理硕 士学 位课 程。


Auditors usually have an educational and training background in

[...] finance, accounting or business administration in general.


审计师通常拥有财务、会计或一 工商管理方 面的 教育和培训背景。


Second, when all the universities have injected resources into this "big reservoir" of the central pool of resources, will some institutions


submit proposals to increase

[...] professional places in business administration or actuarial [...]

science or engineering and then take


away all the resources, causing the most fundamental liberal arts education and the disciplines of literature, history and philosophy to shrink further and further?


其次,當大家把資源投入中央資源這個“ 大水塘” 以供競 逐,會否出現一些院校提出增加 商管 或精 算、 工程等專業訓練學 位的建議,便可以把這些資源全取去,以致社會中最基本的博雅教 [...]



A start was made towards achieving the expected result of an extensive knowledge about the presence, development, characteristics, nature and aims of the telecentres in Central America through the following activities: (i) preparation and application of an instrument for obtaining information about completed and ongoing projects on telecentres in the region; (ii) creation of a database of documents produced by organizations involved in the development of telecentres such as the Inter-American Bank of Development, the International


Development Research Centre (IDRC); Central American

[...] Institute for Business Administration (INCAE); and [...]



对中美洲地区电信中心的存在、发展、特点、特性和目标的全面了解已经开始,为取 得这个预期的结果,进行了下列活动:(i)


准备和应用一种手段来收集涉及该地区电信中心 已完成和未完成项目的信息,(ii) 建立一个文件数据库,收集参与电信中心建设的组织的文

[...] 件,如跨美洲开发银行,国际开发研究中心(IDRC),中美洲 商管 学院 (I NCAE), 以及 Somos@Telecentros [...]



The RAM grade is a multi-disciplinary civil service grade


comprising members with background in such areas as law,

[...] economics, accounting, business administration and statistics, [...]

engineering, information and communications technology which would


enable them to perform effectively the economic regulatory functions with respect to the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors.



[...] 作,而規事務 經理職系是一個跨專業的公務員職系,該職 系的員工具備法律、經濟、會、工 商管 理及 統計 、工程、 資訊及通訊科技等範疇的專業背景,讓他們能有效履行有關 [...]



(b) Increase efforts to improve the


teaching of English, and improve the

[...] performance of business administration to respond to [...]

the demands of regional integration in an appropriate manner.


(a) 根据对布隆迪加入东非共同体的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行的分析,

[...] 最后完成区域一体化国家战略,作好应对一体化进程各项复杂问题的准备; (b) 加紧努力提高英语教学,提高企 管理部门 以适 当方式回应区域一体化 要求的能力。


Mr. Kwok holds a Master of Arts degree in Law from


Cambridge University, a

[...] Master degree in Business Administration from Harvard University, an Honorary Doctorate degree in Business Administration from The Open [...]

University of Hong


Kong and an Honorary Doctorate degree in Laws from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


郭先生持有劍橋大學法律系碩士學位、 哈佛學工商管理碩士學 位、香港公開大學榮 譽工 商管理 士學 位及香港中文大學榮譽法學博士學位。


She has also

[...] successfully completed a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the prestigious INSEAD [...]

Business School in France.


此后在法国著名府欧洲工 商管理学院(INSEAD)另成功获得工 硕士 学位。


Ms. Fung holds an Executive MBA and a

[...] Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from the University [...]

of Western Ontario and a Bachelor


of Laws (Honours) from the University of London.


她持有加拿大西安大略 員工 商管 理碩士及工商管 文學 士 學位,並獲倫敦大學頒發法學士榮譽學位。


Vante, a leader in medical device equipment


manufacturing and recently honored

[...] as 2011 Small Business Administration (SBA) Arizona [...]

Exporter of the Year, is rolling out


a dynamic, choice-focused line up of cutting edge products and services at MD&M Minneapolis on November 2nd and 3rd.


全球领先的医疗器械设备制造商、近日荣膺小型企 201 1年度 亚利 桑那出口 称号 的Vante公司在11月2日和3日举行的美国国际医学设计及制造展示会(MD&M [...]



Mr. LI graduated from the Guangdong Radio and Television

[...] Universitys business administration program.


李先 生畢 業 於廣 東 廣播 電 視大學 工 業課程


He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the [...]

University of Pittsburgh and a Doctor of Philosophy degree


in Economics from Tsinghua University.


他持有匹茲堡大學工商管理碩士學位 及清華大學經濟哲學博士學位。


She further obtained a professional diploma in computer application from the Renmin University of China in 1996, a senior diploma in Innovative Management MIA from senior research class in


Tsinghua University in

[...] 2006 and a Master degree in business administration for senior management from [...]

Dalian Polytechnic in July 2006.



[...] 學的計算機應用專業文憑,並於二零零六年取得清華大 學的創新管理MIA高級研修班高級文憑及於二零零六年 七月取得大連理工大學 頒發的高級管理人員工 管理碩 士學位。


Mr. SODERSTROM studied economics


at the University of Stockholm and

[...] received a Master of Business Administration from the Stockholm [...]

School of Economics.


SODERSTROM先生畢業於斯德哥爾摩大學經濟系,並在斯德哥爾摩經濟學院取 得工 商管 理碩士學位


Mr. Chung holds a Master’s Degree in Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing from The University of Hong Kong, a Bachelor’s Degree in Laws from University of


London, a Bachelor’s Degree and a

[...] Master’s Degree in Business Administration from The Chinese [...]

University of Hong Kong and a Bachelor’s


Degree in Laws from Tsinghua University.



[...] 算學碩士學位、倫敦大學法律學士學位、香港中文 管理學 士學 位及碩士學位和清華大學法學學士學位。


Mr. Hirai received a BA in

[...] Economics of Business Administration from Keio University [...]

and an MBA from the Owen Graduate School


of Management at Vanderbilt University as a scholarship student of The Rotary Foundation.


Hirai 先生拥有庆应义塾业管理经 济学 学士学位以及范德堡大学欧文管理学院 MBA 学位,并获得扶轮基金会的奖学金。


Several studies were carried out in the course of the 2001 programme (for example a study on the impact of social benefits on people’s labour market behaviour by Policy Studies Centre PRAXIS, the study of


long term unemployed by the Institute of

[...] Economics and Business Administration of the Tallinn [...]

University of Technology).


在实施 2001 年方 案过程中,进行了几项研究(比如,政策研究中心 PRAXIS

[...] 所做社会福利对人们 劳动力市场行为的影响的研究,塔林技术大学经 和商业 理学 院所 做长期失业 人员研究)。


Mr. Wee holds a degree in Computing Science from Staffordshire


University, United Kingdom and a Post

[...] Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from The Singapore [...]

Institute of Management.


Wee 先生擁有英國斯塔福郡大學的電腦科學學位,以及新加 管理學院 頒發 的企 研究 生文 憑。


He holds a Master of Business Administration from Ohio State [...]

University in the US, three Bachelor of Science degrees in


Accounting, Finance and Management as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Southern Illinois University in the US.


他持有美國俄亥俄州立大商管理碩學位 ,以及會計、財務和管理三個理學士學位,並獲美國南伊利諾大學頒發經 [...]



The relevance of establishing the Centre, based on the experience with the quality of CETIC studies, was also expressed by Brazilian authorities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Itamaraty, Division of Information Society; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, Division


of Electronic Government; Telebrás; University

[...] of São Paulo; Business Administration School from Fundação [...]

Getulio Vargas as well as Brazilian researchers


abroad at ECLAC (Chile) and HEC Montreal (Canada).


根据以往所了解的信息与传播技术中心的研究质量,外交部信息社会局、卫生部、规 划、预算和管理部电子政务局、巴西电信、圣保罗大学、瓦加斯基金会企业管理学院等巴西

[...] 当局以及来自拉丁美洲和加勒比经济研究委员会(ECLAC)(智利)和蒙 特利 商学加拿 大)的海外巴西学者也都认为建立中心是具有实用性的。


Thomas graduated with a degree in Business Administration and Engineering Science in Germany and has completed [...]

both an MBA and PhD.


Thomas 在德国获得了务管 理和工程科学学位,并拥有工 硕士 和博士学位。


Mr. Hawisher received his Bachelor’s Degree

[...] in Sociology & Business Administration from Clemson [...]

University. In addition, Mr. Hawisher


obtained Six Sigma Black Belt Certification from Motorola University, and PMP Certification through the Project Management Institute.


Hawisher先生拥有克拉姆森大学的社会 学和 商业 管理学 士学 位,获得了摩托罗拉大学的六西格玛黑带认证,并且通过了项目管理协会的PMP认证。


In 2008/09, Mr. Fu participated in the


Professional Mentorship Programme held by the

[...] Department of Business Administration of IVE, providing [...]

guidance for students and helping


them to explore and develop their academic and career potential through a series of activities and gatherings.


於2008/09年度,傅先生亦參與由香港專業 院工 商管理系 辦的 「師友導向計劃」,透過一系列的活動及聚會,給予同學關顧及指引,幫助他們發掘及發展自身在學術上及事業上 的潛能。


Mr. Ngai holds a master’s degree in


corporate finance from The

[...] Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a master’s degree in business administration from Andrews University of the United States and a LLB (Hons) [...]

degree from the


University of Wolverhampton of the United Kingdom.


魏 先 生 持 有 香 港大 學 的 企 業 融 資 碩 士、美 國 安 德 魯 大 學( Andrews University ) 管 理 士 及 英 國 華 瑞 漢 普 敦 大 學( University of Wolverhampton )法 [...]

律(榮 譽 )學 士 學 位。


b.s. business administration - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.